Wednesday, April 02, 2014

“Musical Explorers”: A Musical About Utah’s Rich Heritage


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The Empress is proud to introduce to our successful Youth Theatre Program "MUSIC EXPLORERS"!! A workshop and performance experience for children ages 6-12!

This session is dedicated to a fun, original musical "UTAH EXPLORERS". The Explorers curriculum is a high-spirited, educational program meant to engage children through fun music and acting experiences. There will be two performances at the end of the session, open to the public, free of charge.
Every student will be given a named role with lines and/or a solo!

Class time will focus on:
* Utah History
* Stage Presence
* Enunciation
* Public Speaking
* Singing with a group
* Strong Characterization
* Basic dance and acting skills

(Only 30 spots available!)

REGISTER BY 4/14 either online at (in the EZ Tickets link) or by cash/check to the box office.

COST: $50 Tuition + $15 Costume fee (this includes a t-shirt)

Tues, Wed, Thurs afternoons 4:30-6:00pm
April 15-May 19 *
* May 19th is our final dress rehearsal!

PERFORMANCES - May 20 and 21 at 6:00pm
Free to the public!

Our story follows Marco and Amelia who are trapped in a dusty, old Utah museum. They learn that Utah has a rich, diverse history that spans from the time of the Ancient ones to the settlements by other Native American groups, traders, Mormon pioneers, and many other groups through time.

MARCO – Forced to come on vacation to Utah with his family in the dead of winter.
AMELIA – Younger sister of Marco. Also not very excited about their vacation.
SLC – Tour guide at the Utah State Historical Museum. Pronounces his name “Slick.”
MOM – Marco and Amelia’s mom. Very excited to be there.
DAD – Marco and Amelia’s dad. Also very excited to be there.
“THE ANCIENT ONE” – Representing the Anasazi and Freemont Indians.
CHIEF WASHAKIE – Representing the modern Native American Nations that reside in Utah. Good friends with Brigham Young.
FATHER DOMINGUEZ – Representing the Dominguez/Escalante Expedition.
FATHER ESCALANTE – Representing the Dominguez/Escalante Expedition.
PETER SKENE OGDEN – Representing the traders, trappers and mountain men.
ETIENNE PROVOST – Representing the traders, trappers and mountain men.
ISABELLA FORSYTH – Representing the Pioneers and the pioneering spirit.
THOMAS FORSYTH – Representing the Pioneers and the pioneering spirit.
MARY JANE DILWORTH –Representing the settlement and growth of Utah – first school teacher in the state of Utah.
DOC FAUST – Representing the Pony Express
BRIGHAM YOUNG – Representing the celebration of Statehood. The first Territorial Governor of Utah.
MARTHA HUGHES CANNON – Served as the first female state senator from Salt Lake County, 1897 to 1899.
GAMESHOW HOST – A host of the fictional game show “Who is the Best Mountain Man of Them All Today?”
JIM BRIDGER, JEDEDIAH SMITH – 2 additional fur traders and mountain men.
SCHOOL CHILDREN – Pioneer children.
FOOTBALL FANS – BYU (blue) and University of Utah (red) fans.
NATIVE AMERICAN TRIBESPEOPLE – Utes, Goshutes, Piautes, Shoshone, and Navajo

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