Tuesday, July 23, 2013

WANTED: Fitness-type events, classes or get-togethers


I have recently become a Jamba Juice ambassador, and am looking for fitness-related events that I can bring some Jamba Juice samples to!

Examples of some events that I can bring Jamba Juice samples to are:

  • A fun snack for after a fitness class or group
  • A fun-run or marathon
  • Sports practice
  • Sports game
  • A fun snack before setting out on a hike with a group
  • The sky’s the limit! If it’s fitness related, it counts!

For complete details, and to check date availability, email me at michelle@enjoyutah.org.

I would love to come to your event and bring you a fun Jamba Juice sample snack!



  1. Beautiful is a feeling. It’s presence of mind, a strong body, a glow from the inside out. It's being comfortable in your own skin. It's a lifestyle. Our mission is to make beauty your lifestyle, through quizzes, articles and personalized advice backed by science.

  2. Physical fitness is important because you are more likely to live longer and have more energy. It also keeps you fit, remove excess body fat and also keep the bones strong. It helps you keep the brain active and sharp and also enjoy life more when you are looking and feeling good. For interesting fitness courses you can visit: findfitnesscourses

  3. Superb! Like most people I can be lazy, so it's nice to have a goal or deadline or reason to work out. I feel better when I get to exercise, or when I'm outdoors. I like to hike, swim and run, and I love to play soccer. In my past, I was over weighted.. and one my best friend suggested me phen375.. and used it. I got excellent result. You try it. Good day!!


Thank you for your comments!