Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Cherished Childhood Memory: The Timp Freeze in Midway

Timp Freeze

As a kid, I remember going with my parents and grandparents fishing in Midway and Heber. We would always stop at this cute little hamburger stand and get ice cream. My favorite part of stopping there was that they would always put plastic little animal trinkets on the top of the ice cream cones. I loved collecting them all, but my very favorite was the orange giraffe!

Timp Freeze AnimalsI never knew the name of the place, because as a child we would always say “Can we go get ice cream at the place that gives you animals?!” It wasn’t until recently I asked my parents what the name of it was.

We decided to go for an afternoon drive to Midway a couple of weeks ago, and see if the Timp Freeze still put animals on top of their ice cream cones. Not only were we pleasantly surprised to see that they do, but that they are still the same animals as when I was a kid! It’s fun to be able to carry that tradition on with my own kids, and see the excitement on their faces when they get their favorite animal on their ice cream cone! They keep asking when we can go there again next, because they want to collect them all!

Timp Freeze 3You can even get your ice cream cone dipped in Chocolate, Toasted Coconut, White Chocolate, Blue Raspberry, Bitter-Sweet Chocolate and more. If I remember right, they even have butterscotch, which is my favorite!

Their ice cream is a favorite memory, but I recently discovered their food at our last visit there. I had the BLT on foccacia bread, and it was fabulous!

They also offer free wifi to all their customers.

To get there: Head to Midway by going into Heber, and following the signs toward the Heber Valley Railroad. I can’t remember if they have signs pointing towards Midway, but I am pretty sure they do, so watch for them as well. Head down the Main Street of Midway, and watch for it on your left (South) side. You can’t miss it!

Connect with the Timp Freeze:

While in Midway, check out the other things that Midway has to offer! Read our Family Vacation Series on Midway.

Timp Freeze 2

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