Friday, April 27, 2012

Sports And Asthma

With sports season in full swing, it's scary to send your child afflicted with asthma to be in the care of another adult who may not know much about asthma. Are you a coach that has individuals on your team that have asthma? Would you know what to do in the event of an asthma attack?

Winning With Asthma is a program dedicated to helping others be more educated when it comes to asthma and sports. Get educated with The Coach's Asthma Clipboard Program - Winning With Asthma. "We created this program so coaches could learn about asthma, how it affects an athlete's ability to compete, and how the coach can help athletes manage their symptoms while playing their very best!"

Parents can also benefit from this short online program. Knowledge is power, right?

Thanks to Utah Asthma for letting us know about this great education opportunity!

1 comment:

  1. I love it, the best part is that its free and doesn't take a lot of time to complete.


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