Wednesday, December 04, 2013

The Christmas Box Angel Candlelight Vigil


By, Shari Elliott

Enjoy Utah recently shared information about the Sharing Place which is a very nice segue  into a follow up story about The Angel Statue that is placed in the Salt Lake City Cemetery. The Angel Statue is a place for parents who have lost a child to come and remember, lay a white flower, and for some to pray. Losing a child is probably a parents worst fear. This fear became reality for me this last July when I lost my 15 year old son. 

I remember reading The Christmas Box series when my son was little and always thought what a special place that is for parents. Little did I know then,  that one day soon I would be one of those parents. Each year on December 6th at 7pm there is a candlelight vigil that is held at the statue for parents who have lost children to gather together in remembrance. No matter how the child passed away, we all have this one thing in common. This will be my first year attending the candlelight vigil and I am hoping to go and share a moment of silence with the other parents there and to remember the life of my son. 

Print a map of the location of The Christmas Box Angel.

View the location of The Christmas Box Angel on our map of the Salt Lake City Cemetery.

Read more about Christmas Box Angels all over the world.

map of christmas box angel

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