Thursday, February 28, 2013

200th Anniversary Celebration of Pride and Prejudice


March 2, 2013
Covey Center for the Arts in Provo

Purchase tickets at a special blog reader rate of $10 off per ticket!
More details and purchase discount tickets HERE.

I have TWO FREE Premium $59 seats to this event. Email me at with the subject "Jane Austen tickets" in the subject, and I will randomly choose a winner at the end of the day. (End of the day is 8pm tonight)

View event details HERE.

All Things Austen Event Schedule

Welcome to a one-day conference for those who love Jane Austen. The price of admission includes discussions, speakers and presentations, and the first-time ever world premier on the big screen showing of the BBC’s Pride and Prejudice , starring Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle–shown in its entirety–the day of the conference.

Saturday, March 2, 2013
Covey Center for the Performing Arts-Provo, Utah


Doors Open at 8:30 a.m.

Austen devotees will want to arrive and get ready to enjoy the day. All aspects of the conference are in the Covey Center’s high tech Performance Hall. Reserved seats in the hall are secured through the Covey Center

9:30 a.m. Presentation & Discussion:

“Jane Austen For Our Times: The Enduring Legacy of Austen’s Works (In Other Words, Why We Just Can’t Get Enough of Austen!)” presented by Professor Jane Hinckley of Brigham Young University.

Jane Hinckley received her PhD in Humanities at The Florida State University and is an adjunct faculty member of the Department of Humanities, Classics and Comparative Literature at Brigham Young University. Dr. Hinckley has taught seminars at BYU and presented papers at various professional conferences about Jane Austen and her contemporaries. This spring she will be teaching a seminar on the film and television adaptations of Austen’s life and oeuvre.

10:00 a.m. BBC’s Pride and Prejudice Episodes 1 and 2

Larger than life. This is the BBC’s definitive version of Pride and Prejudice with Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth. Presented for the first time anywhere in the world on the big screen in the comfort of the Covey Center’s state-of-the-art theatre

11:45 a.m. Break for luncheon plans on your own.

Downtown Provo has many excellent restaurants to chose from–all within short walking distance of the Center.

12:15 p.m. “Ask About Austen.”

Lively discussion led by Professor Jane Hinckley about the enduring themes that resonate in Austen’s literature.

1:15 p.m. BBC’s Pride and Prejudice Episodes 3 and 4

3:00 p.m. Rest break

3:15 p.m. BBC’s Pride and Prejudice Episodes 5 and 6

5:00 p.m. The conference, sadly, comes to a close for another year.


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