Monday, December 09, 2013

REVIEW: The Christmas Box Angel Candlelight Vigil


By Shari Elliott

I was not sure what to expect of the candle light vigil as I had never been to one before. I was worried as I wanted to stop and get flowers, but did not have time to and the only candles I was able to grab were LED tea light candles.

20131206_203136We pulled into the Salt Lake City Cemetery right at 7pm. We parked and walked (I did not realize how far I had parked from the statue) up hill in the bitter cold! But wow, when we got to the statue there was a table set up where people were handing out programs, candles, and single long stem white roses! There were families standing all around huddled the best they could due to the terrain.

There was a high school choir singing, a family spoke, and Richard Paul Evans spoke. They had a moment of silence and the first flower was placed at the Angel statue.

It was so bitter sweet being there. The love that filled the air from the families that were there remembering their lost child was amazing. So difficult on the other hand that I was there because I lost mine.

20131206_195524After I placed my rose at the Angel statue’s feet, I turned around and Richard Paul Evans, author of The Christmas Box, was standing there. I told him thank you and that I had just lost my 15 year old son. He hugged me and told me he has a 15 year old son and he can't imagine. I introduced him to my 18 year old daughter and he gave her a hug as well. Such a wonderful man and such a great event to bring those together that unfortunately have the one thing in common. 

Next year they will be celebrating the 20th year of the Statue and Candle Light Vigil, so make sure you remember and mark it on your calendar. It is every year on December 6th at 7pm.

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