Saturday, November 03, 2012

Utah Holiday Events 2012

The holidays are here! Below are Utah Holiday Events for 2012. Check back often, as this list will grow as we hear about and add more.

As always, check with the event coordinator for any changes to the event. We are not responsible for canceled events or changed times.
If you know of an event we have forgot, email us at so that we can add it!
Favorite Holiday Movies
A list of favorite movies for this time of year.
Favorite Christmas Lights
Randy and Natalie Ockey have put together their list of favorite Christmas Lights displays. 
Salt Lake County
Utah County
Tooele County
  • Old Fashioned Christmas at Benson Grist Mill (FREE!) (Nov 24)
  • Tooele Santa Parade (Dec 1) The Tooele parade will begin at Vine Street & 2nd West (City Park ,Pratt Aquatic Center) and will continue North to Utah Avenue, then East to Main Street, then South on Main Street to 100 South, then West to 50 West and end at Veterans Memorial Park
Davis County
Weber County
Box Elder County
Wasatch/Summit County
Cache County
Sanpete County
Iron County
Washington County
If you do not see your County above, it's because we have not yet found events in that area. Email us at if you know of any.


  1. The link for the live nativity in Alpine lists dates for last year. Do you know if this event will be held this year as well? There is no contact information that I can see on the link

    1. Mary, I am not sure, but I put a link to that website in the hopes that they will update the information soon! I HOPE they do it this year!!!

    2. The website now lists 2012 dates, so it looks updated.

    3. Yay thanks! It looks like they ARE doing it then year again! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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