Monday, December 09, 2013

Cold hands and warm fuzzies - are you ready to serve?

Well, it's Monday again. Whether you're waist-deep in dishes (me tonight) or trying to get gum out of Jimmy's hair, Mondays are just tough. Today we are happy to announce a new antidote: service. I know it sounds cliche, but bear with me.

It's the holidays, right? So, you have a chance to do some real good for people who have it tough every day of the week, not just Mondays. We at the CVB think so, so, we are putting our money where our mouth is:

For every "follow" we get on Instagram, our staff will donate $1 to Toys for Tots, up to $250 dollars. This is a win-win because we get to give, and you get to help us give.

What exactly is Toys for Tots?

Toys for Tots is a charity that provides toys to underprivileged children. These underprivileged children have parents who can't afford Christmas gifts. Toys for Tots gives these children the "merry" Christmas that they deserve. You can find out more about Toys for Tots at the link below:

Help us help others and follow on Instagram @VisitUtahValley. Remember, it ends December 16th.

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