The Great Utah Shake Out

With recent earthquakes near Cache Valley and other spots in Utah, they are nice reminders that earthquakes can and do happen in Utah. That's why we're reminding you that the 2012 Great Utah ShakeOut on April 17, 2012, is now less than four months away! Thanks to your support, we are reaching ever closer to our goal of 700,000 participants! More than 400,000 people are already registered to participate.
With your help, we will meet our goal. We will continue to reach out to key groups over the coming months, but you can help spread the word. You can get daily updates about who is participating by following us on Twitter @UtahShakeOut. Also, find out exactly what a magnitude 7 earthquake would look like in Utah with the video Utah: Preparedness Now on YouTube.
Fun with Earthquake learning
Even though an earthquake can be devastating, learning about an earthquake doesn't need to be. Come check out the Learn and Play section of the Great Utah ShakeOut website, where families can make earthquake preparedness both fun and educational. The Learn and Play section features interactive games and facts on how to protect yourself and your family:
Try to Beat the Quake - Click on each item in the family room and decide how best to protect it before an earthquake happens. But hurry! An earthquake can happen anytime. The more you protect, the more points you earn. Email your score to your friends and challenge them! Check out the Quake Quiz - Our friends in San Francisco created this quiz to test your knowledge of what do to when an earthquake happens. What do you do if you're in bed? Take the quiz to find out! Other resources will help you on your path to preparedness. Remember, Utah is Earthquake Country.
Basic Instructions for your Drill
Some ShakeOut drills may last all day, while most are just a few minutes. Here is how to have a basic Drop, Cover, and Hold On drill, and what to do after (ShakeOut drill manuals provide detailed instructions for simple to complex drills):
If you have downloaded the drill broadcast, begin playing it at 10:15:
- At 10:15, practice Drop, Cover, and Hold On for at least 60 seconds (the length of the drill broadcast):
- DROP to the ground (before the earthquake drops you!)
- Take COVER by getting under a sturdy desk or table (or against a wall with your arms covering your head/neck), and
- HOLD ON to your shelter until the shaking stops
- Then, importantly, talk with people you are with about what might happen in a real earthquake, what you learned by practicing, and how you can reduce the risk of injury (at home, work, or school) by securing your space.
- Share photos, stories, or videos, and tweet about your drill (use #UtahShakeOut).
We're all in this together...
While out shopping, why not consider preparedness items, such as flashlights, extra batteries, water or food storage or fire extinguishers? And as you finish your celebrations and plan for 2012, consider a New Year's resolution to be ready for disaster. The ShakeOut has grown because of people like you, who see the value of practicing how to protect ourselves and for getting prepared for earthquakes. Please forward this email to colleagues, friends, family, and others to make sure they are aware of the ShakeOut and know about the drill.
Thank you for your participation and commitment to earthquake safety!
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