Thursday, August 11, 2011

Utah State History Conference

This is one of the coolest events all year, and it's FREE! Take advantage of our resources and conferences that are available to learn about Utah's history and other cool subjects!

Information from the Utah State Historical Society website:

The Peoples of Utah: Celebrating Diversity
In partnership with the Fort Douglas Military Museum Association

September 9 - 11th, 2011
Fort Douglas
32 Potter Street
Salt Lake City

Join us for three days of history!
New this year:
Register online for the conference! Registration is optional, but it only takes a minute! We will have a name badge waiting for you at the check-in table!

Register Here

Conference events and sessions are free (except for the Sunday Black Hawk War Field Trip) and open to the public.

Please note: The Sunday Black Hawk Field Trip must be registered separately thru Fort Douglas....see tour cost/registration information below.

Conference Schedule


7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the Post Theater

Wilson G. Martin, Acting Director
Utah State History

Philip F. Notarianni
History Address
The Peoples of Utah--Thirty-Five Years Later

Michael W. Homer, Chair
Board of State History
Awards Presentations

SEPTEMBER 10, 2011

9:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
Plenary Session
Officers Club
Chair: Wilson Martin
Introduction: Robert Voyles
Speaker: William P. MacKinnon
Utah’s Civil War(s): Linkages and Connections

9:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
History Sessions

Session 1: Immigrants and Code Talkers
Location: Officer’s Club (West room)
Chair: Greg Thompson
Robert McPherson, Under the Eagle: The Life of a Utah Navajo Code Talker
Fred Woods, Icelanders in Utah

Session 2: Public Lands and Taxes
Location: Guest House (Room A)
Chair: Wilson Martin
Jessie Embry, Enjoying San Juan County Public Lands
Ted Moore, Utah’s First Referendum—The Graduated Tax on Chain Stores

Session 3: Camp Floyd
Location: Officer’s Club (East room)
Chair: Robert Voyles
Chuck Mood, The Utah War and Camp Floyd
Curtis Allen, Camp Floyd: The Civil War and Beyond
Ephriam Dickson, The View From Barracks Row: The Life of Enlisted Soldiers At Camp Floyd, Utah

Session 4: Phi Alpha Theta Presentations
Location: Guest House (Room B)
Chair: John Reed
Presentations by three University of Utah students

Session 5: Utah Schools
Location: Guest House (Room C)
Chair: Chris Hansen
Audrey Godfrey, The Logan Academy
Mervin Brewer, A Pictorial History of Public School Buildings in Salt Lake City
Steve Cornell, Ogden High School and the Embodiment of Historic Craft

11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Tour of Historic Fort Douglas
Conducted by Ephriam Dickson—Fort Douglas Military Museum
Meet at the Parade Ground Bandstand

12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
(on your own, or join other attendess at the Heritage Center)

1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
History Sessions

Session 6: Utah Politics
Location: Officer’s Club (West room)
Chair: Ron Fox
Chad Orton, “We Will Admit You as a State”: William H. Hooper, Utah, and the Secession Crisis.
Susan Neel, “We Should Have a Tea party”: J. Bracken Lee and the Right Wing Movement of the 1950s

Session 7: 19th Century Utah
Location: Guest House (Room A)
Chair: Robert S. McPherson
Joseph Soderborg, Cricket in Utah During the Late 19th Century
Lydia Jakovac and Bob Leonard, The Spanish Trail and the Fish Lake Cutoff

Session 8: The Wartime Internment Experience in Utah
Location: Officer’s Club (East room)
Chair: Kent Powell
Dale Denda, Prison Barracks No. 3: A Family Remember
Mike Rose, Salina: A German Prisoner of War Tragedy
Jane Beckwith, The Topaz Internment Camp

Session 9: University Student Research
Location: Guest House (Room B)
Chair: John Reed
Presentations by three University of Utah students on topics related to Utah in the 1950s

Session 10: Utah History and the Public: Engaging with the Past
Location: Guest House (Room C)
Chair: Kathryn MacKay
Roundtable Discussion
Rebecca Andersen, Arizona State University, Utah Humanities Beehive Archive Student Intern
Nicholas Demas, Director, Utah State History Fair, Utah State University
Megan Van Frank, Director of the Museum Interpretation Initiative, Utah Humanities Council

3:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.

3:15 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.
History Sessions

Session 11: Saint Mary’s and the Union Pacific Railroad
Location: Guest House (Room C)
Chair: John Sillito
Andrea Ventilla, The History of Saint Mary’s Academy in Salt Lake City
Daniel Davis, Forgotten Photographs of the Union Pacific Railroad: The Stereographic Images of Andrew Joseph Russell in Weber and Echo Canyons

Session 12: Fashion and Fraternity
Location: Officer’s Club (West room)
Chair: Heidi Orchard
Michelle Hill, Hoop Mania: Johnston’s Army, Eastern Fashions, and Mormon Leaders’ Condemnation
Ardis Parshall, Fraternity, Charity, and Loyalty: Utah’s Grand Army of the Republic

Session 13: The Ethnic Army at Fort Douglas
Location: Officer’s Club (East room)
Chair: Allen Roberts
Bob Voyles, The Irish: Utah’s First St. Patrick’s Day
Ronald G. Coleman, African Americans at Fort Douglas
Ephriam Dickson, The Indian Soldier Experiment: Company I Sixteenth Infantry at Fort Douglas

Session 14: The Utah State History Fair
Location: Guest House (Room B)
Chair: Nicholas Demas
Presentations by student award winners
Session 15 Museums and Farmsteads
Location: Guest House (Room C)
Chair: Craig Fuller
Steve Mayfield, The Salt Lake City Police/Fire Public Safety Building—Its Museum, Archives, and Library
Scott O’Mack, History and Archaeology of a Farmstead Turned Duck Club near Salt Lake City

5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Location: Fort Douglas Military Museum
With Dedication of the Dr. Charles Hibbard Reading Room 5:15 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Fort Douglas Cemetery Tour
Meet at cemetery entrance


8:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Black Hawk War Field Trip
Tour Guide—John Alton Peterson, author of Utah’s Black Hawk War,
published by the University of Utah Press

The Fort Douglas Museum is conducting a one-day field trip to various sites in central Utah that were important during the Black Hawk War of 1865. Cost is $55 per person, including lunch. Departure is from the museum at 8:00 am, returning at 6:30 pm. Space is limited and reservations are required. For additional information and registration call 801-581-1251, or email

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