Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Missionary Messages


There is a new Utah company that is offering a unique postcard line-up for missionaries to keep in touch with those they love in a simple, fun--even inspiring way. Read a message below from Joe, the artist and co-founder of Missionary Messages:

ElderPack_ChristmasMy partner, Tracy, currently has a son serving a full-time mission. One of his son's biggest frustrations from the field has been that he just doesn't have the time to answer all of the many letters and e-mails he receives. This makes him feel sad, and almost neglectful, of those who support him and he wishes there was an easier way to maintain those relationships and share his mission experience with others.

Empathizing with his situation, Tracy pondered and prayed for several days, until an inspired idea came to him. He approached me with the idea and we started to flesh out the concept. We are happy to now bring our "postcards from the field" to the public, offering postcards designed for both Elder and Sister missionaries to share with family and friends.  Each postcard displays a creatively designed front with a cartoon/uplifting message on the back.

We hope our postcards bring a smile to one's face, comfort to their heart, and make staying in touch more fun, and a whole lot easier.

SisterChristmas_StampConnect with and purchase Missionary Messages:

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