Friday, February 22, 2013

REVIEW: Girls’ Night Out at University of Utah South Jordan Health Center

Healthy cooking demonstrations, free massages, free eye exams, self defense demonstrations, sun damage and skin cancer demonstrations, and access to a wide variety of doctors including plastic surgeons, dermatologists, infertility and OB/GYNs are just a few services that were available last light at the Girls Night Out event at the University of Utah South Jordan Health Center.

Upon walking in, this health center looks has more of a “health mall” than a hospital atmosphere. It was very non-threatening, and not at all what you are used to from a medical office / hospital. It was very open and inviting, and creates a friendly environment for healthcare instead of a threatening one.

“Staying positive is what really helped me,” said Mary Nickles about her recent fight with breast cancer. She was the keynote speaker and stressed the importance of getting your yearly mammograms. Luckily her cancer was caught early, and is curable. Some are not so lucky. Nickles also spoke about the new friends and support system she had while battling breast cancer, and that “if you’re going through hell, keep on going,” is the best advice she could give somebody battling a challenging life issue. 

The importance of getting yearly checkups for women was stressed throughout the evening, and doctors and nurses were on hand to answer any questions we had.

I have not received an eye exam in over seven years, and am happy to report that I passed with flying colors!

The ophthalmologist answered my questions and concerns about night driving, and gave me some recommendations to think about.

Infertility doctors and OB/GYNs were available to discuss preconception, pregnancy and child birth with those of child bearing age, and give parenting advice to those of us that already have children.

A huge thanks to the University of Utah South Jordan Health Center for hosting this event, and raising awareness to the importance of women’s health and receiving regular checkups. It’s an important subject that’s not always easy to discuss, and they approached it with a very friendly, fun and open event.

More about the University of Utah South Jordan Health Center:

I was compensated for my time and review, but all of the views and opinions expressed in this writeup are all my own, and I was not persuaded to write any specific type of review.
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