Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Ogden Nature Center - October Events


Wild Wednesdays - Owl Tales
Wednesday, October 3 at 3:45 pm
Free for ONC members
$2 children / $3 seniors / $4 adults
All ages welcome
Are owls really wise? Get the answer to that question and many more. Meet two different owls and decode the mysteries that surround these amazing birds. Please meet in the Visitor Center.
Fall Utah Master Naturalist Deserts Class
Monday, October 8 through Friday October 12 
8:30 am - 4:30 pm each day, with evening hikes in Moab. 
$175 plus approx. $200/night for hotel rooms in Moab (based on double occupancy).  A block of rooms has been reserved at the Hampton Inn in Moab.  
   Come explore and study the desert ecosystems of northern and southern Utah. Class will start at the Ogden Nature Center on October 8th and 9th, with a visit to Antelope Island State Park, and then travel to Moab October 10-12.  In Moab we will explore the State and National Parks nearby, returning the evening of Friday, October 12.   
   While many of the upland systems in Utah, such as the Colorado Plateau, Great Basin, and Mojave Desert, vary in plant and animals communities, they all share common features -- low precipitation, arid or semi-arid deserts, relatively high elevation, and climatic extremes including hot summers and/or cold winters. As a result, the plants and animals of these areas possess extreme adaptations for survival.  Come explore these systems and learn about how they function, the plants and animals that live there, and how they are managed. 
   Registration and information is online at  
Wild Wednesdays - Nature’s Natural Timekeepers
Wednesday, October 10 at 3:45 pm
Free for ONC members
$2 children / $3 seniors / $4 adults
All ages welcome
Did you know trees are some of nature’s best time keepers?  Take a short hike with one of the Ogden Nature Center’s teacher/naturalists and practice your leaf peeping skills as you discover how and why leaves change color. Please meet in the Visitor Center.
Early Childhood Teacher / Childcare Environmental Education Workshop
Choose a date: Wednesday, October 10 from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Or Saturday, November 3 from 9:30 a.m. - noon
$40 (includes both curriculum guides and carries 4 re-licensure points)
The Utah Society for Environmental Education and Ogden Nature Center are offering workshops for pre-k through 2nd grade teachers and childcare workers who want to incorporate environmental education with their students through Project WILD’s “Growing up WILD” curriculum and Project Learning Tree’s “Early Childhood Environmental Experiences” which won Learning Magazine’s 2011 Teacher’s Choice Award. Susan Snyder, teacher/naturalist at the Ogden Nature Center, will be teaching both classes. Go to <>  to sign up or e-mail  Pre-registration is required.  For questions, please contact Susan Snyder at 801-621-7595 or
Running Wild
Saturday, October 13 from 9:30 – 11 am
$5 members / $6 non-members
Ages: All ages welcome
Beginning to intermediate level. 3 mile trail run included.
Explore the Ogden Nature Center in a whole new way by running the trails. Ogden Nature Center teacher/naturalist and runner, Andrew Revelle, will lead you around the Nature Center and provide a running clinic to improve your technique and help you explore the exciting world of running in nature. Andrew was on the University of Virginia track team and the 2012 winner of the Fly with the Flock Fun Run! 
Wild Wednesdays - Scaly Tales
Wednesday, October 17 at 3:45 pm
Free for ONC members
$2 children / $3 seniors / $4 adults
All ages welcome
Have you ever wondered what a snake feels like?  What about a tortoise shell?  Come find out and get an up close look at the Ogden Nature Center’s resident reptiles.  Learn what makes reptiles so special in the animal world and meet a Desert Tortoise and a Great Basin Gopher Snake. Please meet in the Visitor Center.

Creatures of the Night – Two Nights!!! 
Friday, October 19 and Saturday, October 20 from 5 - 8 pm
$5 members / $6 non-members
All ages welcome!
The Ogden Nature Center education staff presents this not-so-scary Halloween event for the whole family. Learn about native, nocturnal creatures like owls and bats.  Take a crepuscular creep around the nature preserve where you’ll meet and learn from some “wild” characters.  Make fun fall nature crafts, get down low at the spider web crawl, enjoy face painting, carnival games and more. Sponsored by Zions Bank.
Wild Wednesdays - Batty about Bats
Wednesday, October 24 at 3:45 pm
Free for ONC members
$2 children / $3 seniors / $4 adults
All ages welcome
Did you know that Utah has 18 species of bats?  Kick off the Halloween season by learning about these often misunderstood and amazing flying mammals.  With the help of skulls, mounts and brave volunteers, we will get a little batty. Please meet in the Visitor Center.
Mad Science - Decomposers
Saturday, October 27 from 11 am to 12 noon
$8 members / $10 non-members
Age: 6+
Take some worms, add a little garbage and what do you get? Fertilized soil and a whole lot of fun! Join the Ogden Nature Center and Mad Science as we explore decomposition and its vital role in the food chain and our environment. Please RSVP by 4 pm, October 26 to 801-621-7595.
Preschool Discovery Days - Leaves and Trees
Choose a date and time:
Monday, October 29, or Tuesday, October 30 
9:30 am, 11 am or 1 pm on any of the dates
$5 per child/parent members
$6 per child/parent non-members 
General admission rates apply to all other family members.
Group/preschool registration (5 or more students) - $5 per child/parent.   Teachers and classroom aids are free.  A 50% non-refundable deposit is required.  Pre-registration required. Call 801-621-7595 to register.
Ages: 3-5
Discover the many things we use each day that come from trees! Race samara seed “helicopters,” play leaf tag and learn about the palms, teeth, veins, and needles of Earth’s tallest, oldest, and largest organisms.
Wild Wednesdays - Monsters in Our Own Backyard: Halloween at Wild Wednesdays
Wednesday, October 31 at 3:45 pm
Free for ONC members
$2 children / $3 seniors / $4 adults
All ages welcome
Come dressed as your favorite wild thing and discover what monsters live at the Ogden Nature Center. Learn why snakes hiss and how tarantulas move.  Then test your nerve with a creepy crawly challenge. Please meet in the Visitor Center.
Please note:
Class sizes are limited to ensure a quality experience.  Call in reservations over the phone and pay with a credit card or come in person to pay with cash or checks.  The Ogden Nature Center reserves the right to change instructors or cancel classes due to circumstances beyond our control including, illness, inclement weather or low attendance.  The Ogden Nature Center is located at 966 W. 12th Street in Ogden, Utah. For more information, please visit  or call 801-621-7595.

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