Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Mirror Lake Scenic Byway

The Mirror Lake Scenic Byway is a stunning forested lake-filled drive in the High Uintas. The road stretches between Kamas and Evanston and reaches an elevation of 10,687 feet at Bald Mountain Pass. This mountain range is unique in that it runs east-west, whereas most run north-south.

Plan on bringing a little money for the Recreation Area Pass. A $6 pass will last 3 days, $12 pass seven days and the $45 pass all year long. You can purchase it at the Evanston, Bear River and Kamas Ranger District Offices or stop in Samak Country Store near the Kamas side for a pass and some jerky, too. Be sure to pick up a Mirror Lake Scenic Byway map while you are there. Read more about the Mirror Lake Scenic Byway and other day trips here

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