Thursday, May 10, 2012

Archaeology Block Party

Each year, Utah Archaeology Week has been celebrated statewide with various events and activities.  BYU’s Museum of Peoples and Cultures (MPC) will host its annual Block Party to celebrate this year’s Utah Archaeology Week (May 5-12). 

The Block Party will take place on Saturday, May 12, from 11:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.  Families and students are invited to the Museum to enjoy the educational activities, entertainment, and tasty treats.

“This is the Museum’s largest single event of the year,” says Kari Nelson, MPC Curator of Education.  “It’s always a fun day to welcome the public and share our excitement for learning about the past.”

The street in front of the Museum will be closed to make room for the celebration. The public will have the chance learn to about local archaeology through demonstrations, hands-on activities, and a performance by Morning Star. Guests can enjoy digging for artifacts, making pottery, flint knapping, and basket weaving.  Student and professional archaeologists will be on hand to share artifacts and stories from recent excavations in Utah Valley.  Artifacts from the Old Provo Tabernacle will also be on display.

All activities, food, and gallery tours are free to the public.  For more information, visit or contact the Museum at 801.422.0020 or  The MPC is located on 100 E. 700 N. 

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