Sunday, December 04, 2011

My 2011 Holiday Must Do Guide

Echoes of Christmas
There are so many events this holiday season, but how do you choose which ones are worth attending? Here is my top 10 list of Holiday Must Do's this year:

Echoes of Christmas
We went to this for the first time last year, and it was spectacular! It's free, and you don't need tickets! It's a non-denominational production at Liberty Park where you walk from scene to scene and learn about the birth of Christ. Live animals like camels, sheep and donkeys add to the experience, and make you feel like you are experiencing the birth of Christ as it happened. They always appreciate donations, and you can also choose to purchase a CD at the end of the production if you would like. Read our review from last year of what to expect when you experience Echoes of Christmas.

Ogden's Christmas Village
This is on my Must Do list this year because we have never been before. We have heard it's fabulous, and do not want another year to pass without checking it out. Downtown Ogden has been transformed to look like Santa's village at the North Pole. 

Gardner Village Elves
Elf Scavenger Hunt at Gardner Village
Enjoy a free activity, strolling the paths of Gardner Village, looking for Santa's elves. This is an event fun for the entire family, and get some Christmas shopping done at the same time!

Lights on Temple Square
This is a Utah tradition. We like to take the trax downtown to walk around Temple Square and see the spectacular lights display. 

Grand America Windows
Like a scavenger hunt, help Maurice find the Christmas Star, and redeem your scavenger hunt forms for a small prize. Browse the windows to look for the star. This is a free activity that we have not done yet, and are looking forward to doing this year!

Downtown Holiday Windows
This is a fun tradition brought back from the early days in Salt Lake City. We have all seen The Christmas Story where they anxiously await the unveiling of the Christmas window. The Downtown Holiday Windows in Salt Lake City have that same excitement. Beginning December 1st, vote on your favorite window. This is a free event.

Larry Miller Christmas Carole Sing Along
This is also something we have not done, but have heard a lot of great feedback. A free event at the Energy Solutions Arena, you will also receive coupons for many things when you attend. Join in the spirit of the season with Christmas carols!

Willard Bay Christmas Lights
Another new thing for us this year, we are excited to check out this local favorite display, and see it from a horse drawn wagon ride

Christmas Cruise
Located at the bottom part of the Provo River, we enjoyed the Halloween Cruise for the first time this year, and are excited to check out the Christmas Cruise! If the Christmas Cruise is as fantastic as the Halloween Cruise was, I know it will become a family favorite!

Candlelight Christmas
This was a really cool event that we attended for the first time last year. Located at This Is The Place Monument and Park, enjoy Christmas the old-fashioned way. Pioneer songs, dance, games and crafts are all part of the celebration.


  1. Thank you! We have already enjoyed so many things that you have been posting, thanks to finding your site. This is our first Christmas in Utah and you have made it wonderful!

  2. Aw, thank you! My main reason for doing this site is to show people that there are a ton of fun things to do in Utah! Glad you are enjoying it and finding fun things to do! :) WELCOME TO UTAH! :)


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