What Is This?
You may have noticed the above information at the bottom of each of our posts. But what does it mean?
This Print Friendly icon is your new best friend. When trying to print the information in each post, it can get tricky trying to copy it, paste it into word, and print it. Clicking this button will convert the post into PDF where you can select text that you don't want to print, remove the images, and customize the information you want to print. There is no downloading of software or anything involved. Just click this button, and print the information for friends and family without internet, or to take on the go.

These are known as "Share Buttons". These handy little tools will allow you to share the information found in the post with your friends and family. The envelope with the arrow is for sharing via email, the pencil will probably not show up on your end (this is an administration tool that allows us to edit information), the M allows you to share with a friend via blogger, the blogger icon allows you to post this information on your own blog, the t allows you to tweet the information, the f allows you to facebook the information, and the +1 allows you to share via google.
This shows you how many comments are on that specific post. To leave a comment, click on this.
Reactions allow you to vote on your reaction to the post.
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