Thursday, September 08, 2011

9/11 Healing Field, Sandy UT 2011

September 8-13, 2011

Presented by:
LHM Charities | Larry H. Miller Family
IPM, Inc. | Ralph Dlugas
10000 South Centennial Parkway Sandy City, Utah

View website for complete up to date information.

2011 Healing Field Memorial

The 10th Annual Utah Healing Field Flag Memorial will be held September 8-13, 2011 in Sandy City. This magnificent display commemorates the tragic loss that took place 10 years ago with a display of more than 3000 American flags—one for each victim.

It will also honor front-line responders in our community and those who serve in the armed forces, risking their lives for the safety and freedom of all American citizens.

Hope Rising Bronze Monument Dedication

The 2011 Utah Healing Field Memorial will feature the dedication of a new, unique monument titled, Hope Rising. The monument consists of a magnificent 9ft-tall bronze statue that depicts the three firemen who raised the American flag at Ground Zero, after the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City.

This monument will stand as a permanent reminder of a day we should never forget. It will serve as a fitting memorial for those we lost in the attacks of 9.11, and have since lost in the war on terror. Most importantly, it will stand as a symbol of the hope we felt on a day we lost so many… yet stood together.

Support The Hope Rising 911 Memorial – Sponsor A Flag

Help us in the effort to erect this beautiful bronze memorial. Sponsor a flag or make a donation. 100 percent of your purchase or donation will be applied toward the costs related to the Hope Rising 911 Memorial. All donations are tax deductible.

For information on volunteering please contact Marco Diaz: 801-641-8956
For general information please contact Colonial Flag Foundation
Information on Fire Ride Motorcycle Ride
Information on Scout Service Opportunity Utah Healing Field Memorial

Event Schedule

Wednesday, September 7
5:30 pm:
Set up of Healing Field Display (Please see the above contact information for opportunities to volunteer)

Thursday, September 8
All day:
Healing Field Display – 3000 Flags
Tribute Display to Fallen Responders and Military
Field Trips 

Friday, September 9
All day:
Healing Field Display – 3000 Flags
Tribute Display to Fallen Responders and Military
Giant Flag on Display
Emergency Vehicle Display
Field Trips – Milestones of Freedom Project
4:00 pm:
Rod Arquette Show Broadcasting Live on 105.7 KNRS
KUTV 2News Broadcasting Live

Saturday, September 10
All day:
Healing Field Display – 3000 Flags
Tribute Display – to Fallen Responders and Military
Emergency Vehicle Display
Military Apparatus Display
10:00 am:
Fire Ride Motorcycle Ride begins at South Valley Harley
Click here for details
11:00 am:
Hope Rising Monument Dedication Unveiling and Dedication
Fly Over
Balloon Release

Sunday, September 11
All day:
Healing Field Display – 3000 Flags
Tribute Display to Fallen Responders and Military
4:30 pm:
Reading of Victims Names

Monday, September 12
All day:
Healing Field Display – 3000 Flags
Tribute Display to Fallen Frontline Responders and Military
Field Trips – Milestones of Freedom Project
4:00 pm:
Emergency Vehicle Display

Tuesday, September 13
All day:
Healing Field Display – 3000 Flags
Tribute Display to Fallen Responders and Military
Field Trips – Milestones of Freedom Project

Schedule subject to change.

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