Monday, August 01, 2011

Growing A Garden City Event


Media Contact:
Julianne Hancock
M: 801.819.3763

The City Library Welcomes Jeremy N. Smith
Author to inspire the growing of Salt Lake City’s own Garden City

SALT LAKE CITY, August 1, 2011 – The City Library welcomes Jeremy N. Smith, author of Growing a Garden City, on August 11. Smith’s book documents the participation of 15 adults and a first grade class as they created an agriculture-supported community in Missoula, Montana.

Foodies, gardeners of all skills and ages, and people interested in food security, community and local food sources are encouraged to come and hear how one community transformed themselves. Smith will speak at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library’s Nancy Tessman Auditorium, followed by a public reception where community members can begin sharing their interests, expertise, and ideas.

“There are many people and groups already participating in local food programs, such as CSAs and community gardens,” said Darrah Rogers, outcome lead for The City Library. “We want to bring all of those programs and partners together to collaborate more, learn from each other, and share some common goals.”

Smith’s book demonstrates how, through volunteer-powered farms and gardens, people can eat well locally and sustainably, while also addressing modern social problems, from poverty and addiction to overall community enhancement. Students’ lunchtime leftovers feed pigs at a local neighborhood farm. Neighbors work side by side, exchanging ideas and learning about each other in community gardens. The food bank distributes locally grown produce. Not only does the community eat better, but transportation costs and pollution are reduced and relationships are created and nurtured, as well.

“We are looking forward to being inspired and invigorated by Smith’s stories and are excited to bring people to a community table to see how we can work together for similar results,” said Rogers.

Copies of Smith’s book are available at The City Library for check out and are available for sale at the Library Store at the Main Library.

Who: Jeremy N. Smith, author of Growing a Garden City: How Farmers, First Graders, Counselors, Troubled Teens, Foodies, a Homeless Shelter Chef, Single Mothers and More are Transforming Themselves and Their Neighborhoods Through the Intersection of Local Agriculture and Community – and How You Can, Too

What: Lecture, Q&A, and Public Reception

When: Thursday, August 11, 7:00 p.m.

Where: Salt Lake City Public Library, Main Branch, Nancy Tessman Auditorium

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