Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Princess Festival

Being a Princess is more than glitter and ribbons - a true Princess knows how to make a difference in the world by using courage, compassion, and grace!  Join our Princesses on a journey through their own life adventures as they learn magic and love and discover the Princess within you!

The Princess Festival is an event where little girls have the opportunity to meet, play with, and help the Princesses of Everley in an interactive setting.  What does this mean? There are three main elements to the Princess Festival: Fun and Play, New Princesses, and Making A Difference.  

The Princess Festival is happening June 15-18 2011 and June 22-25 2011 at Thanksgiving Point. Register for tickets HERE.

BONUS: Munchkin Radio is giving away tickets for The Princess Festival! Make sure to visit Munchkin Radio for complete details!

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