Sunday, February 20, 2011

SNOW! What Are You Doing About It?!

PhotobucketWell, we are getting dumped with lots of snow today......again. Just when we thought it was going to be Spring!...

SO.....we want to know....what are YOU doing about all this snow?! Send us pictures, videos, a quick note.....whatever, and let us know how YOU are handing the snow! It can be pictures/videos of you ice skating, building a snowman, staying inside making hot chocolate, anything!

We will post it on our Snow Creations page!

To send us submissions:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks....I forgot about all the great things offered at the Library.
    Well tomorrow I am taking my 2 boys to reading time. Thank you for the great reminder and thank you for all your hard work.


Thank you for your comments!