Thursday, March 06, 2014

Why I Love Harmon’s Grocery

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Most of you know by now that I am a big fan of buying local and supporting our local businesses here in Utah. Harmon’s Grocery has always been one of my favorite grocery stores, and after taking a cooking class and a tour of their City Creek store, it just reaffirms why I love them!

  • My kids even make comments when we shop at Harmon’s that their employees are “so nice!” They are always there to answer our questions and help us find a product. I noticed that as we were taking the tour, many customers came up to Bob, co-owner of Harmon’s and also our tour guide, and asked him questions about products and where to find things. He always took a minute to talk to them and help them out. It’s obvious Harmon’s customers feel comfortable and welcome there.
  • At most of their locations, they have loading service, which is really helpful when it’s raining, or I have an extremely large amount of groceries. I simply pull up to their covered loading zone, and they load my groceries into my vehicle for me.

Harmon’s Cooking School


Read more about Harmon’s Cooking School and my review of the cooking class.

Information about Harmon’s Cooking School:

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A Supporter of Local Products and Organizations 2014-02-27 14.49.36One of my favorite things about Harmon’s Grocery is that it’s not only locally owned and operated, but it’s also a big supporter of local businesses.

As you walk down the aisles at Harmon’s, you will notice “Local To Utah” tags. This makes it much easier for those of us that want to buy local and support the local economy. Even a lot of their beef and meat comes from local to Utah companies.

Harmon’s even takes it one step further than their tags; they help local businesses generate labels so that they are able to sell their products in their store. We were able to try a few of these local brands on our store tour.

You may have noticed the chalk art signs at the Harmon’s City Creek locations. They have even hired a local chalk artist to come in and do their signs.

Harmon’s and the Special Olympics:

Harmons is the top corporate sponsor for Special Olympics Utah. They’ve been partnering with this great organization heading into 20 years to help raise money to support Special Olympics athletes and teams in our communities. Harmon’s also has a number of Special Olympics Utah athletes as Harmons associates. Read more…

RootBeerFloatHero 03.03.2014

A company that values its employees

Did you know that Harmon’s is the highest paying grocer in the state of Utah? While other companies were laying off people, they were hiring and building new locations.

2014-02-27 14.20.06Not only do their employees enjoy working for Harmon’s, but they are knowledgeable about their department. There is always somebody there to talk to if you have any questions about anything. They even have a cheese expert who can tell you what cheeses go best with which dishes.

My philosophy regarding our economy is this: If every person would support a local grocery store like Harmon’s, that values their employees and pays them a wage they can live off of, then they would have to build more locations and hire more people, which would in turn give more people better paying jobs at places they can make a career out of.

It’s all up to us as the buyer to support companies like this and show them we appreciate what they give back to the community.

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Fresh Products and Ingredients

You can tell just by looking at the meat and produce at Harmon’s that the quality is a lot higher compared to other grocery stores in our area. They fresh-squeeze their own juice right there in the store. 

If you are looking for a quick meal to take home for your family, or a single meal for yourself, you can find an entire section of already prepared meals, including a salad bar with fresh ingredients.

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On-Hand Dieticians

Did you know that you can schedule a tour of the store with an on-site dietician, who will teach you about eating healthy, and eating for special disorders?

The Harmon’s dieticians have also carefully selected products throughout the store. Watch for the Dietician’s Choice labels.

How awful is it when you are trying to feed your kids healthy food, only to watch them have a full-on meltdown in the checkout aisle because you refuse to buy that candy bar or bag of chips?! Well, at Harmon’s, watch for the sign above the “healthy aisle”, with snack choices carefully selected by the dieticians. No junk food or meltdowns in this aisle!

Connect with Harmon’s Grocery:

More about Harmon’s Grocery:

I was provided a complimentary cooking class and tour of the store to attend and write my review. I was not compensated for my review, nor was I required or persuaded to write any specific type of review. The opinions and views expressed in this post are all my own.

1 comment:

  1. I no longer shop at Harmons: A little sparrow flew into the store, and they killed it, instead of capturing and releasing it. How cruel.


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