Monday, May 20, 2013

Download our FREE Android App

  2013-05-20 17.39.17    2013-05-20 17.39.23

We have had questions from our readers about how they can find events while they are on the go, and we listened!

We have now unveiled our FREE app for android devices! (Yes, we are also aware of our iPhone users, and are working on creating an app for the iPhone. Stay tuned!)

You can download the free Enjoy Utah app by clicking HERE, OR scan the QR code below with your android smartphone. You can also search for Enjoy Utah in the Google Play Store.

Enjoy Utah APP

2013-05-20 17.37.51Download our android app, and then place the icon right on your home page of your android smartphone for quick reference! It’s now easier than ever to find something to do!


  • Mobile friendly events calendar. Browse events all over Utah, or specify your area. You can also narrow the search down to only events that you are interested in instead of all events going on.
  • Read our blog right from the app, and stay up to date with all of the events and fun things we are posting about.
  • View our Instagram pictures, as well as read our Twitter and Facebook feed right from the app.



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