Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Voice Of The Prairie FREE Opening Night Lecture

From the Grand Theatre website:

January 24 | 6-7pm
Sponsored by the Utah Humanities Council, The Grand Theatre, and the Arts and Cultural Events Program at Salt Lake Community College

From 6-7pm, Eileen Hallet Stone will give a lecture about the influence of technology on community connection and progress. Afterward, the Grand Theatre will present "The Voice of the Prairie" beginning at 7:30pm. The lecture is free and open to the public. For tickets to the performance, please contact The Grand Theatre box office at 801-957-3322. 

About Ms. Stone: 
Eileen Hallet Stone With thirty years of research, oral history interviewing and writing experience, Eileen Hallet Stone is a professional oral historian and award-winning author of over 200 articles on minority cultures, environmental issues, family dynamics, life challenges, and history. Working on a new novel, she has written two books on diversity published by university presses. Collected stories in A Homeland in the West: Utah Jews Remember were developed into a photo-documentary exhibit that was shown as part of the 2002 Winter Olympic Cultural Olympiad Arts Festival at the University of Utah Marriott Library. The exhibit travels statewide. Her earlier book, Missing Stories: An Oral History of Ethnic and Minority Groups in Utah, co-authored with Leslie Kelen, has added substantially to Utah’s educational curriculum. Hallet Stone also writes a monthly Living History column for The Salt Lake Tribune.

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