Monday, August 13, 2012

Meet The Team: How We Got Started

Over the last few weeks, we have had a few new people join the Enjoy Utah team! We would like to introduce you to them, so watch for information over the next two days about our team members and newest contributors. 

HOW did Enjoy Utah! get started?!
Being a work from home and stay at home mom, I love to get out and do lots of activities with my kids and family. We keep so busy with activities most of the time that we are constantly on the go, even if it's just taking a nice drive together to chat about things. Often I kept hearing over and over again from other stay at home moms "I am so bored all day long! There is nothing to do with my kids besides go to the park, or activities that cost an arm and a leg!" I was shocked to hear this, as we find so many free and cheap things to do and not enough time to do it in!

SO....In March 2010 I started this blog as a way to show other moms and families that there are so many things to do, especially in Utah, you just have to know where to look! Adventure is something you have to go out and find!

Enjoy Utah! is a proud member of the

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