Monday, July 09, 2012

REVIEW: Wasatch Front Farmers Market at Gardner Village

Farmers Market at Gardner Village

This weekend we went to the Wasatch Front Farmers Market at Gardner Village, and it was more than I every expected a Farmers Market to be! View a short video at the bottom of this post, or on our YouTube channel.

The Wasatch Front Farmers Market runs every Saturday at Gardner Village until the end of October. Each week they have a different theme. When we went it was Mardi Gras Day. They had mask making, a traveling band and children's parade. The kids in the parade got to throw beads out to the vendors and customers. 

They also had a cute little animal train that took the kids around the village. There were also pony rides, a small petting zoo, homemade jump rope making and more! Many people look for local honey to help with their allergies, and there was a honey booth from local farmers. It was like a party, and it's every weekend! Such a fun family outing day! 

When we arrived at 9am, we were super hungry, so we enjoyed their pancake breakfast. They had scones, cinnamon rolls, pancakes, french toast, eggs and sausage. 

You can find out more information about the Wasatch Front Farmers Market on their website, or on the Gardner Village website. They are also at Wheeler Farm on Sundays, and South Towne Mall on Thursdays. You can also follow the Wasatch Front Farmers Market and Gardner Village on facebook. The Wasatch Front Farmers Market is also on Twitter.

Why buy local?
From Local First Utah
  1. You keep your money in our economy.  Three times more of your money, in fact. Studies show that for every dollar spent in a locally owned business, three times more of that dollar stays in our economy than would be the case with a national retailer.
  2. You embrace the character of our community. We wouldn’t want our houses to look like everyone else’s. So why would we want our community to look that way?
  3. You create local jobs. 
Local businesses are better than chains at creating more jobs per consumer dollars spent.
  4. You help the environment. 
You conserved energy and resources in the form of less fuel for transportation and less packaging.
  5. You benefit from our passion and expertise. You are our friends and neighbors and we have a vested interest in knowing how to serve you. We’re passionate and knowledgeable, why not take advantage of it?
  6. You keep your tax dollars here. Shopping locally means less corporate infrastructure, and more tax money left available to enhance our community. Also, your spending locally instead of online ensures that your tax dollars are reinvested where they belong- right here in our community!
  7. You encourage innovation and product diversity. Whether brick and mortar retail or local online, service providers or manufacturing, local business innovators ensure marketplace diversity. A wider array of choices keeps prices lower over the long term.
  8. You love your neighbors. 
We know you and you know us. Studies show that local businesses donate to community causes at twice the rate of chains.
  9. You keep the American Dream alive. You nurtured entrepreneurship, which is the foundation of our American economy.
  10. You make us a destination. 
The more interesting and unique we are as a community, the more we will attract new neighbors and visitors. This benefits everyone!

Thanks to MaryAnn Alston for the chance to check out the Farmers Market! 

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