Sunday, March 25, 2012

Summer Adventure Series 2012

Last Summer we went on a few adventures as a group, and I have had numerous emails asking me if we are going to do it again! Absolutely! It was great getting out and meeting a lot of you, and I look forward to it again this year!

Below are the adventures we have scheduled. If you have a specific place in mind that you would like to do, let me know and I can see about putting it on the schedule as a group! Email me at The main idea is that we want to be a "tourist in our own town" and learn all there is to learn about Utah!

This is also a great way for kids to contribute their own writings and pictures to Enjoy Utah Jr!

Stay tuned to this page as we update and add more adventures and dates.

If you have special skills and would like to volunteer to host one of these adventures, please email me at We are looking for:
  • Those knowledgeable about photos to host a photo tour of your choice
  • Individuals knowledgeable about certain places to take a group on a guided tour
  • Geocaching expert, or somebody who has done it before that can show us how it's done
  • Any other adventures that would be enjoyable for a group of all ages
Disclaimer: As always, each person is responsible for the people and kids they bring in their group. I will not be held responsible for lost kids, car accidents, etc. Thanks!

Upcoming Summer Adventures:

Treasure Hunt At Site Of Old Saltair
Date TBD
Did you know that the current site of Saltair is not the original site? The original site was found two miles East of where Saltair sits now. In its day, Saltair was known as "The Coney Island Of The West" and attracted visitors from all over the world. In the 1920s, there was a terrible fire, and The Ship Cafe burned to the ground. Back then, the resort was all over water. Because the shoreline is so low now, you can go out in the sand and find dishes still there from a hundred years ago. Read about my list trip out there, and the treasures we found.
Note: There are no bathroom facilities out there, so make sure to make a stop before heading out! There is also a lot of glass sitting around, so make sure to let your kids know to not pick up anything without your permission.
What To Bring: Plenty of water to drink, sunglasses, camera.
Where To Meet: Meet at the current site of Saltair, located just off of I-80 and SR-202 on the border of Tooele and Salt Lake County. 

Salt Lake City Cemetery Tour
Date TBD
Over the past year, I have been doing extensive research at the Salt Lake City Cemetery, and have designed a tour fun for all ages. Young children can participate in a scavenger hunt and make headstone rubbings, while older children and adults will enjoy learning about the history of this historic place.
What To Bring: Camera, plenty of water, sack lunch
Where To Meet: Meet at the West entrance to the cemetery, near the office. Park on the road, and as soon as we are all there, we will proceed to the tour.

Gilgal Sculpture Gardens
Date TBD
Known as Salt Lake's Hidden Secret, join us as we wander through this amazing sculpture garden.
More details to come.

Golden Spike Monument
Date TBD
A historical day was when the East Railroad met the West Railroad. Visit the place it all happened.
More details to come.

Camp Floyd Junior Pony Express Rider Program
Date TBD
Join us at Camp Floyd as we complete the Junior Pony Express Rider Program, and earn our 50th Anniversary Junior Ranger badge. 
More details to come.

Native Utah Animal Tracks
Date TBD
Join us at the NEW City Creek Center as we explore and try to find all of the animal tracks. Can you guess which animal made each set of tracks? Join us as we test our skills! Great for all ages.
More details to come.

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