Wednesday, February 01, 2012

2002 Winter Olympics: The Olympic Torch Relay

Me, my cousin, and my nephew pictured with Pat,
an honored carrier of the Olympic Torch,
in Kearns, Utah, February 2002.
On December 4, 2001, The Olympic Flame began its journey to Salt Lake City, Utah, from Olympia, Greece. It traveled across oceans, deserts, mountains and valleys to reach Olympic Cauldron Park in Salt Lake City on February 8, 2002, right in time for the opening ceremonies at Rice Eccles Stadium. You can see a map of the route HERE.

Local Utahns were chosen to carry the flame during the Olympic Torch Relay. Crowds lined the streets to get a look at the Olympic Flame and cheer for those that were honored to carry it. My longtime neighbor, Senator Ed Mayne, was chosen as one of those selected to carry the Olympic Flame. You can see the excitement of the local community in the video below:

Read more memories from the 2002 Winter Olympic Games.

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