Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Can You "Survive"?

On Friday, September 16, BYU’s Museum of Peoples and Cultures (MPC) will hold its tri-annual Survivor date night at 7:00 p.m.  Couples are invited to kick off a new semester and show off their competitive side.
Twelve couples are divided into four tribes and compete in four different activities to try and get the most points for their group. 
Will Budge, a BYU student who attended Survivor this last April, gave some advice to future attendees. “Go in ready to be part of a team—teamwork is important whether it’s with just your date or with the team.”
The re-vamped challenges will push couples to search and scavenge, test their brains, and even stomach a difficult task.  Whichever tribe gets the most points will win a special prize (for each tribe member), and the best couple will receive a prize as well.
“Most of all, just have fun,” Budge said.
Light refreshments will be served.  Tickets for the date night are $10 per couple and will be available at the WSC Information Desk beginning September 12.  For more information visit mpc.byu.edu or call 801.422.0020. 

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