Saturday, April 19, 2014

Tanzania Cancer Center–Kilimanjaro

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The following message and fundraiser was created by my cousin’s husband, Colby Thackeray. In the same week that he will get to meet his first baby, he will also bury his beloved mother. I cannot imagine the emotions he is feeling as he says goodbye to one loved one, and hello to another. For him to be thinking of others at this time of great emotions and wanting to bring cancer treatment centers to those without access is truly amazing and touching. – Michelle Powell, Enjoy Utah founder

Created by Colby Thackeray on April 16, 2014


In March 2015, a select group of largely amateur mountaineers will climb the tallest mountain on the African continent in a fundraising endeavor to bring cancer services to the surrounding community in Moshi, Tanzania. No cancer center currently exists in that region of Tanzania. All funds raised through this climb will go directly to the building of this cancer center. Our team will carry prayer flags in honor of those who have faced the struggle of cancer head on. High at the summit, we will fly these flags, which are inscribed with names of individuals who have in some way been afflicted by cancer (radiating hope).

I had thought about doing this as soon as I found out about it.  My mother passed yesterday, April 15th, and it has now become a priority to climb in her honor.  My mothers prayer flag is one of the flags and I've been granted permission to carry her flag to the summit.  It would be an honor and emotional journey I will never forget, and to be able to help a region with no ability to treat cancer will make it that much sweeter.  The funds will cover my adventure, but the majority goes to  This foundation was founded by the gentleman, Dr. Brandon Fisher, that has been treating my mother over the course of the last 2 and a half years.

This horrible disease affects everyone at some point in their life and it is up to us to encourage and give hope to those battling this disease. This climb is not to only remember our mother, but to give hope to those that may feel they have been forgotten. We need to give to people that do not have access so that they may be able to have a fighting chance. If we all join together we can make this happen and we can give love, comfort, support and the proper resources to those who are fighting for their life.

"Climbing a mountain is a perfect symbol of an individual patient's battle with cancer. Oftentimes, as you climb higher and higher, you feel the physical strain of the climb, and also sometimes the sickness that goes along with high altitudes. Yet you climb on! The summit in your sights, you push through physical pain, mental exhaustion and push yourself to new physical and emotional heights"(

Thank you for your support!
Colby Thackeray

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