Monday, April 29, 2013

Blog Spotlight: World Wander Lusting LDS Church History Tour


Brad and Sheldon Christensen are two Mormon brothers who started a travel blog & just recently put together an itinerary to visit all the LDS Church History sites in the New York /Ohio area & the Montana /Illinois area all in one trip.

They’ve learned how to travel for free or almost free using frequent flier miles, so it's a fun twist on how to see these historic sites.

They write about inexpensive ways for people to get to places they had only dreamed of going. They hope to inspire others to travel – to infect them with a serious case of “wanderlust.”  Nothing pains them worse than hearing people say, “I’d love to travel, I just can’t afford it.”

You can read all about their upcoming trip itinerary, and secrets to getting to the places you only dreamed of going, on their blog World WanderLusting.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for sharing about us. We're really excited to show people how to travel when they really feel like it's impossible. People really can take amazing trips without breaking the bank or putting it on a credit card.


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