Tuesday, May 08, 2012

WELCOME Studio 5 Viewers!

A HUGE welcome to the Studio 5 viewers who watched us on TV this morning! Welcome to Enjoy Utah!

If this is your first time here, spend some time browsing around, especially using the button on the right side, and the page menu at the top. If you ever have any questions on how to find anything, email me at contact@enjoyutah.org.

Here is the information we talked about in the segment. You can also find most of it on the Studio 5 website. The main idea is getting out of your comfort zone and trying new things! Make it a goal this summer to find and commit to new activities that you can create new memories with your kids and family!

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Staying Sane This Summer With Fun Summer Ideas:
  1. Ghost Towns
    A few of my very favorite ghost town are out in Tooele County.
    Ophir is an old mining town, and has a great little visitors' center. It even has a great picnic area for taking a break and eating lunch. Because this town is being rebuilt, there are many "new" residents here; please do not disturb them or trespass on their property!
    Mercur is just a memory now, but the interesting part of this once booming mining town is its cemetery. Just like the cemeteries in the movies, you have to hike up a mountain trail to get to it. Graves are surrounded by wooden fences and rock piles.
    Jacob City is a ghost town on my list to visit. It's just West of Stockton, and looks like a very interesting place to visit.
  2. Try A New Taste- The Edible Wasatch Treasure Hunt is coming up on Saturday June 16th, and is a great time to get out with the family, ride your bikes, and try some new foods! Registration is $20, and kids 12 and under are free with a participating adult.
  3. Find all the constellations in the sky
    - The Salt Lake Astronomical Society has free public star parties going on now and throughout the summer. You don't need to register or call ahead; check their website for dates and locations, pack your family up, and learn about all of the constellations in the sky!
    - A rare astronomical event is happening on Sunday May 20th, and a small town in Southern Utah called Kanarraville has been announced as a prime viewing spot for this solar eclipse. You can read more details about it HERE.
  4. Splash Pads
    - Getting wet in the summer is a must, and splash pads are always a lot of fun. Your kids can get wet without that constant worry from you to keep your eyes on all of them 100% of the time for fear of drowning. View my list of splash pads HERE.
    - Studio 5 did a segment last year of splash pads. You can watch that segment HERE.
  5. Find and follow animal tracks
    - Hiking in the beautiful Utah mountains is a great way to find and identify animal tracks. Sometimes hiking with young ones can be a challenge, so instead of heading up to the mountains, head on over to City Creek Center! They have animal tracks spread out throughout the center, where you can follow them and end at a plaque that tells you what animal made the tracks.
  6. Go fishing
    - The excitement on your kids' faces when they have a live, wriggly fish on the end of their fishing pole is one you want to make sure you get on camera! Sometimes the hassle of buying a license, buying the fishing gear, and finding a place to fish is overwhelming. Don't forget to factor in that constant parental fear of keeping your kids from getting in the river and drowning. Instead, take them to Huck Finn Day on Saturday June 16th. Located at Finn Park, fishing poles are available to all kids, and the city has acquired a fishing license already for them! Over 300 lbs. of fish are released into a little stream, where kids can use the poles provided to try and catch a fish. This is an experience they will remember forever!
  7. Play a pioneer game
    - Learning about the pioneer children who helped settle Utah is not only educational, but lots of fun for kids and families. The Benson Grist Mill in Tooele has an upcoming "Fun At The Mill" event on July  19th. Not only is there free admission, but free hot dogs and Kool-Aid as well. Kids will get their chance to live as pioneer children did, and play games such as gunny sack races, stick pull and tug of war. 

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