Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Utah Has Just Experienced A Magnitude 7.0 Earthquake....Almost

At approximately 10:15am today, Utah experienced a practice 7.0 magnitude earthquake as part of The Great Utah Shakeout, the largest earthquake drill in Utah history. Where were you when it happened? Did you survive? What problems did you run into? How has this prepared you for "the big one"? 

I was at home, by myself, worried about my kids and husband and wondering if they were okay. Knowing the kids were safe at school brings some comfort, but thinking that my daughter or son could have been at recess when it hit was a little bit unnerving! Were they able to find a place to duck and cover? Were they hit by falling debris?

These are all questions that are going to go through our minds when "the big one" does hit. How will we reach our loved ones?

We want to hear from you and how your practice drill went. Leave a comment on this post with tips, problems, your feelings......and we will post them in a future write-up. You can also email us at contact@enjoyutah.org. Send us your pictures!

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