Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Jeff Liberman Speaking At The City Library

Discovery Channel host also leading workshops at The Leonardo.

April 10, 2012 – SALT LAKE CITY –In celebration of Leonardo da Vinci’s birthday, modern Renaissance man, Jeff Lieberman will visit The City Library and The Leonardo.

Lieberman, host of The Discovery Channel’s Time Warp, works to find the connections between art and science, particularly in the ways technology can assist humans, while simultaneously making the world more beautiful. 

The majority of Lieberman’s work is in robotics, including the use of robotic clothing to aid kinesthetic learning and a robotic flower garden that senses and responds to people in a lifelike manner. He created the kinetic art sculpture Absolut Quartet that incorporates the audience into a musical performance. He currently has a sculpture at The Leonardo, Slink, which uses rapidly moving springs and LEDs to create illusions that make you question the way your eyes perceive the world.

Lieberman’s program, Time Warp, uses high-speed photography to capture minute movements the human eye cannot see--taking movements as small as an animal drinking, a champagne bottle opening, or a water balloon exploding, and showing how beautiful and astounding these actions really are.

Beyond Lieberman’s hosting duties at The Discovery Channel, he is a teacher, musician, roboticist, photographer, and a doctoral student in Media Studies at MIT.  Much of his work can be seen at 

Lieberman will speak at 7 pm on April 13 in the Main Library Auditorium; this lecture is free and open to the public. He will also lead a workshop at The Leonardo on April 14 from 2-4pm. Registration for The Leonardo workshop is required. To secure a spot in the workshops, send an email to

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