Tuesday, March 06, 2012


Nothing is as fascinating as seeing the world we live in through the eyes of a child. Enjoy Utah is proud to announce Enjoy Utah Jr......blog posts for kids by kids.

Does your child love to write? Do you want to instill the love of writing and adventure in your child? They can be a part of Enjoy Utah Jr! Just have them take a picture, draw a picture, and/or write about a place in Utah they love, and email it to contact@enjoyutah.org. We will then post it to Enjoy Utah Jr for everybody to see. Make sure to include your child's name and age. (If you do not want to include your child's last name, you don't have to....it's up to you.)

Your child can write up a post, scan it, and email me the original writing, or you can send it to me in an email and it will be typed. Your child can draw a picture, take a picture.....whatever creative ideas your child can come up with! Anything fun about Utah is welcome....Utah history, fun places to see, their favorite park, etc.

This can also be a place to highlight what great things Utah's younger generation is doing in our local community!

This is open to children of all ages that would love to participate in a writing project.

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