Friday, February 03, 2012

Performing In The 2002 Winter Olympics Closing Ceremonies

Katrina Jackson, a followers of Enjoy Utah!, has great memories of the 2002 Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City. Here is her experience:

Katrina Jackson
In the year 2001 I was a wife & mother of 2. When I heard that my home state Utah was hosting the Winter Olympics I knew I wanted to be involved. I was teaching dance at the time & we heard they wanted dancers to audition. I really have enjoyed dance my whole life through teaching, performing, choreographing & cheerleading. I knew this was the way to use my talent/skill to get involved. It was an honor to audition for Kenny Ortega. I really enjoyed the tryouts. That was in the summer of 2001. I didn’t find out I made it until the end of Oct. I was so EXCITED that I was asked to perform in the Closing Ceremonies! It was a thrill being in Salt Lake City & practicing at the school that I had been a cheerleader for in 1992-1993. The UNIVERSITY OF UTAH… GO UTES!!!! As performers we received tickets to watch the dress rehearsal of the Opening Ceremonies. It was so AMAZING! The Production was SPECTACULAR! I remember it being such a COLD night but we didn’t care because we were experiencing a once in a life time opportunity & it was worth it! The day I perform was a STAR STUDDED night! I saw Bon Jovi, Christina Aguilera, NSYNC, Scott Hamilton, Gloria Estefan, & Donnie Osmond (who was the nicest) just to name a few! Moby was the featured singer when I performed & I loved every minute of it. We all received a Bronze Medal Souvenir that says “light the fire within” XIX OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES SALT LAKE 2002. I look at it often as it brings back awesome memories. I can’t believe it was 10 years ago! It was an experience I will never forget & I am so glad I was apart of it. - Katrina Jackson

Thanks Katrina for sharing your memories with us!!

Read more about the 2002 Winter Olympic Games HERE.

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