Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Spending Halloween With The Dead

This year for Halloween we spent the day at the Glenwood Cemetery, with the "dead". The deceased were standing by their graves, and we got to hear about their tragic lives and what life was like in old Park City. Watch a short video below.

Every year, the Glenwood Cemetery holds this free event, and accepts donations. This is the only fundraiser they do, so if you attend next year make sure you bring them a donation!

The deceased we talked to had some very sad and tragic stories. The first lady we met at the gates was Blanche Fletcher. You might remember her from the Park City Ghost Tours we reported on. Watch the video, and hear about her from 3:05 to 3:24.

"Jennie Hover"

Jennie Hover's story was a tragic one of a young woman who was not able to conceive children, and it brought tears to my eyes. Because of her grief in never being able to give her husband the children they both longed for, she decided to take her own life. Being ashamed, her husband buried her in the Glenwood Cemetery with no headstone or marker. She laid there lonely with nobody to know she was there until recently when the Glenwood Cemetery placed a marker to honor her life. You may recognize her story....we learned about her on the Park City Ghost Tour we attended! Watch the video, and hear about her from 3:25 to 3:51.

"Rebecca and Samuel Simmons"
Rebecca and Samuel Simmons told another tragic story of death at the hands of the mines, and the lives it affected. Samuel was working in the mine while his wife was back in England visiting family, when tragedy struck. He fell down the mine shaft, and lost his arms and legs, killing him instantly. His wife, Rebecca, was so grief stricken, that she couldn't cope with every day living. She was placed in a mental institution.

"William McCormick"
William McCormick tells his animated story of life in old Park City, and the prejudices that Irishmen faced in those days. Those prejudices lead to his untimely death. He was my kids' favorite "ghost", because he was very animated with his story, and made it very interesting to them!

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