Sunday, October 02, 2011

Fall Photo Contest!

PHOTOS ARE NOW UP! Go to our facebook page to vote!

Fall time in Utah is one of the prettiest times of year. That is why we are holding our "Fall Photo Contest"!

During the month of October, get out and see the Fall leaves. Take your best pictures, and submit them for the Fall photo contest.

Unlike our Summer Contest, which was all about getting out and doing fun things, our Fall Photo Contest will be all about who can snap the prettiest and best picture. Also unlike our Summer Contest where there were multiple winners, there will only be one grand prize in this contest. 

Here's how to enter and participate:
CONTEST CLOSED! Congrats to our winner! 

Thanks to our Fall Photo Contest Sponsors:

Prizes are coming in from local business, just like during our summer contest. If you know of a business that would want to donate, have them email me at

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