Friday, September 23, 2011

The Circus Was A BLAST!

We went to the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey "Fully Charged" Circus last night, and it was a blast! September 22nd is also Elephant Appreciation Day, so it was extra special to get to see the elephants perform and learn what magnificent creatures they are!

My kids really like the part of the circus where the two guys were on the rotating cages, and they were running and jumping inside and outside the cages. I am not really sure of all of the tricks they did, because I had my eyes closed most of the time! It was magnificent!

We were also amazed at the "fire man", who was lit on fire, then catapulted across the arena, unharmed! My kids were so concerned if he was okay, and cheered loudly when he jumped out, fire put out, and waved at the crowd!

The trapeze tricks are always a favorite, as are the cute tricks the elephants, horses, and tigers perform.

If you haven't yet purchased tickets, you can still buy them on the Ringling website, or through the Energy Solutions Arena. You can also contact Steve Nord with the Energy Solutions Arena at 801-350-6928 to see what kind of discount tickets he can dig up! (Make sure you tell him that Michelle from Enjoy Utah! sent you to him!)

A special thanks to Lulu Hart with Feld Entertainment and for providing us with tickets to the show, as well as tickets to give away to our readers!

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