Thursday, September 01, 2011

BACK TO SCHOOL: Alternative To "I Love You" Notes In Lunch Boxes

Last year I wrote my daughter (1st grade) a note that said "Have a great day today! I love you! Love, Mom", and put it in her lunch box. She was not too happy when she got home, to say the least! All of the other kids said "Ooohhh!!! LOVE!" and she got quite a bit of attention from it, which she does not like! Personally I blame all the other moms for NOT writing love notes in their kids' lunch boxes!  :)

This year we have figured out an alternative to the "I love you" note. My kids really enjoy Laffy Taffy, especially the jokes. Each day instead of a note saying "Have a great day. I love you", I leave them a joke in their lunch box. I told them that it will be our "secret code" for "Have a great day! I love you! Love, mom", but it will only be between us. The other kids at her lunch table have enjoyed hearing her joke each day, and she doesn't have to be embarrassed. She still knows that I am thinking of her during the day without getting "embarrassed"!

My son is in Kindergarten, and eats lunch at home. He gets to hear his joke at breakfast or lunch; his choice. 

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