Eagle Mountain
For more details, to buy tickets or to register events, please visit the Eagle Mountain Website.
May 26
Veterans Cemetery Service Project
Veterans Memorial Park, 4‐8 p.m.
Contact Arnold at 801-680-2773 for more information and to sign up to help.
Sponsored by Broomhead Mortuary
Mutton Busting Preliminaries
Pony Express Rodeo Arena – 4447 Major Street, 7 p.m.
Audience admission free
Sponsored by Regtix
Charity Quilt Show & Silent Auction
City Hall, runs through May 28 ‐ $15 entry fee per item, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Proceeds go to The Cure Starts Now (pediatric cancer research)
May 27
Men’s 3‐on‐3 BasketballTournament
Rockwell Charter High School (through May 28), Times TBA
$40 per team (up to 4 players)
Proceeds go to Rockwell Charter High School
Opening Night PRCA Rodeo – Special Needs Night
Pony Express Rodeo Arena – 4447 Major Street, Doors open at 5:30 p.m.
Ticket info: www.eaglemountaincity.com
Some proceeds will go to the Exceptional Kids Club, a City activities program for children with special needs.
Sponsored by Nord Orthodontics and Kids Dental Barn
Scavenger Hunt (ages 4‐17)
Instructions and entry forms posted on city website by 8 a.m. today. Free to enter – Complete by June 2 (follow entry instructions on form)
Sponsored by Coops Market
Youth Council Dance
Mountain Trails Elementary School, 3951 N. Wood Rd. , 8‐11 p.m.
$5 in advance/$8 at the door
May 28
3‐D Archery Shoot
Wasatch Wing and Clay, 8000 N. 16800 West, Cedar Fort, 9 a.m.
$15 per person
Contact Brian Beckstead at 801‐540‐2466 to sign‐up
3rd Annual Tour of EM Family Bike Ride
Starts at City Hall, 7:30 a.m.
$10 per family/$5 per person (includes pancake breakfast)
Sponsored by Coops Market
Pancake Breakfast
City Hall, 8‐11 a.m.
$1 per person
Sponsored by Costco of Lehi
Exceptional Express Motorcycle Charity Ride
Starts at City Hall, Check‐in 9 a.m., Ride at 10 a.m.
$25 (includes lunch at Wing Nutz and a shirt)
Sponsored by Wing Nutz of Saratoga Springs
Jones Bones Skate Tournament
Pony Express Skate Park, 4447 Major Street, Noon
Pre‐registration: $10 , Day of: $15
Benefits Hidden Hollow Elementary
Sponsored by Jones Bones Skate
PRCA Rodeo – Tough Enough to Wear Pink Night
Pony Express Rodeo Arena, 4447 Major Street, Doors open at 5:30 p.m.
Ticket info: www.eaglemountaincity.com
Some proceeds go to Save the Cure (pediatric cancer foundation)
Sponsored by Zenith Family Health
May 30
Special Needs Games at Eagle Mountain (ages 16 and under)
Mountain Trails Elementary, 3951 N. Wood Rd., 10 a.m.‐Noon
Registration fee: $10, includes shirt, medals & prizes
Wristbands for special needs night at the carnival, June 1, available here.
Sponsored by IM Flash Technologies
Family Fun Night
Pony Express Memorial Park, 4447 Major Street, Noon‐4 p.m.
Admission is FREE
(Includes cotton candy, drink, carnival games, popcorn, balloons, face painting, etc.)
Sponsored by Saratoga Springs Physical Therapy
Final Night PRCA Rodeo – Patriot Day
Pony Express Rodeo Arena, 4447 Major Street, Doors open at 5:30 p.m.
Ticket info: www.eaglemountaincity.com
Sponsored by Family First Dentistry
May 31
Health & Wellness Fair
Nolan Park, 7780 Sparrowhawk Wy, 4‐8 p.m.
Free admission
Sponsored by American Fork Hospital
Baby Contest
Rockwell Charter High School, 3535 E. Stonebridge Ln., 9 a.m.‐1 p.m.
Contestant fee: $5 in advance/$8 at the door
Proceeds benefit Rockwell Charter High School
Sponsored by Alpine Pediatrics
June 1
Geocache Treasure Hunt
Clues and information will be posted on the city website starting at 8 a.m. today
Free – Complete by June 3 (follow instructions on entry form)
Sponsored by Coops Market
The Ranches Golf Club Special Needs Kids Golf Clinic
The Ranches Golf Club, 4128 E. Clubhouse Ln., 4‐6 p.m.
$3 per child
Golf Date Night at The Ranches Golf Club
The Ranches Golf Club, 4128 E. Clubhouse Ln.
9 Holes of Golf for $9 per person, tee times start at 4 p.m.
Demolition Derby
Pony Express Rodeo Arena, 4447 Major Street, 6:30 p.m.
Tickets: $10 adults or $5 children ages 2‐12
Proceeds benefit Westlake High Football
Arts in the Park
Nolan Park, 7780 Sparrowhawk Wy, Noon ‐8 p.m.
Sponsored by Eagle Mountain Community Theatre
Nolan Park, 7780 Sparrowhawk Wy, 6‐8 p.m.
FREE tonight for special needs children –wristband required (obtain wristband at
Special Needs Games May 30)
Dollar Day, each ride one ticket, all tickets $1
Sponsored by Farmers Insurance Agent Curt Weaver
June 2
Nolan Park, 7780 Sparrowhawk Wy, 4‐10 p.m.
Pre‐sale wristbands: $15 per day or $24 for three days; buy at City Hall, EM elementary schools or Rockwell High
On site prices: wristbands: $25 per day, single tickets: $1, 20 tickets: $17, 30 tickets: $21
Sponsored by Farmers Insurance Agent Curt Weaver
Vendor Booths
Nolan Park, 7780 Sparrowhawk Wy, 4‐8 p.m.
Free admission
Helicopter Rides
The Ranches Academy, 7789 Tawny Owl Cir., 4‐8 p.m.
$30 per person
Contact Utah Helicopter at: 801.794.2480 or 801.561.7972 or email info@utahhelicopter.com for reservations.
Community Hero Award Gift Presentation
Location TBA, 4 p.m., check the city website for details June 2
Karaoke Talent Night at the Park
Nolan Park,7780 Sparrowhawk Wy, 5:30‐8:30 p.m.
Free; Sign‐up at www.eaglemountaincity.com/ped
Sponsored by Ochsenhirt Karaoke
June 3
Special Needs Charity Golf Tournament
The Ranches Golf Club, 4128 E. Clubhouse Ln., 8 AM shotgun start
$300 per team
Proceeds go to the EM City Exceptional Kids Club (special needs activities program)
The Music Stop Jam Fest Competition
Nolan Park, 7780 Sparrowhawk Wy, Noon
$25 fee for individual performers; $50 for groups; cash prizes for winners!
Carnival & Vendor Booths
Nolan Park, 7780 Sparrowhawk Wy, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Pre‐sale wristbands: $15 per day or $24 for three days; buy at City Hall, EM elementary schools, and Rockwell High
On site prices: wristbands: $25 per day, single tickets: $1, 20 tickets: $17, 30 tickets: $21
Sponsored by Farmers Insurance – Curt Weaver, agent
Helicopter Rides
The Ranches Academy, 7789 Tawny Owl Cir., 4‐8 p.m.
$30 per person; Contact Utah Helicopter at: 801.794.2480 or 801.561.7972 or email
info@utahhelicopter.com for reservations.
Movie in the Park
Silverlake Amphitheater , 7920 N. SilverLake Pkwy
Free – Presenting "Despicable Me"
Donations accepted for Mountain Trails Elementary
June 4
2nd Annual Pony Express Century Ride
Starts at Eagle Valley Elementary School, 4475 N. Heritage Dr.
$40 (register by May 21) or $45 (late registration) – includes snacks, drink, lunch & shirt
Sponsored by Epic Biking
5K and Kids' Fun Run
Start at LDS Stake Center, 4506 E Pony Express Pkwy, 7:30 a.m. (8:30 Fun Run)
$20 5K or $10 Fun Run – includes shirt; no day of registration
Sponsored by SelectHealth
Proceeds benefit Eagle Valley Elementary
Dutch Oven Cook‐Off
Nolan Park Pavilion, 7780 Sparrowhawk Wy, 9 a.m.
Sponsored by Coops Market
Grand Parade
Starts at Hidden Hollow Elementary, 7447 N. Hidden Valley Pkwy, 10 a.m.
$45 to enter, Free to watch
Candy and prize tossing!
Sponsored by McArthur Homes
Carnival & Vendor Booths
Nolan Park, 7780 Sparrowhawk Wy, Noon to 10 p.m.
Pre‐sale wristbands: $15 per day or $24 for three days; buy at City Hall or local schools
On site prices: wristbands: $25 per day, single tickets: $1, 20 tickets: $17, 30 tickets: $21
Sponsored by Farmers Insurance Agent Curt Weaver
Talent Showcase
Nolan Park,7780 Sparrowhawk Wy, Noon
Sponsored by The Music Stop
Helicopter Rides
The Ranches Academy, 7789 Tawny Owl Cir., Noon‐8 p.m.
$30 per person
Contact Utah Helicopter at: 801.794.2480 or 801.561.7972 or email info@utahhelicopter.com
for reservations.
Pony Express Days Concert and Fireworks with Clint Black
Silverlake Amphitheater , 7920 N. SilverLake Pkwy
$15 in advance/$20 at the door (Kids 2 and under free)
Opening act: Mark Owens
Sponsored by DAI, Candlelight Home
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